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Fitnah RM90 juta makan Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar’s Attempt To Kill PAS Killed Clare Brown Instead

The MACC investigation has proven that the RM1.4 million payment is NOT an out of court settlement and that Hadi was NOT behind that payment. When pressed by the MACC, Rameli told them it was Anwar and not Hadi who asked him to pay Clare the RM1.4 million.

That is always the case. Good ideas flop because of bad implementation. And, in the RM1.4 million case, the same thing happened. It was actually a good idea but badly implemented. So, instead of killing PAS, Anwar ended up killing Clare Rewcastle Brown.

And, today, Anwar had no choice but to confess that Rameli Musa is his friend but sort of alludes that they are no longer friends and that Rameli is now PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang’s friend.

Anwar thinks he is a master of deception but ends up killing Rameli Musa, Husam Musa, Clare Rewcastle Brown, Americk Sidhu and Ambiga Sreenevasan instead

That is the reason why Rameli can play both sides of the political fence (or even three sides) and still be appointed the Chairman of KTMB or Malayan Railways. That is because he is friends with Islamists, Republicans, Communists, Monarchists, etc. He doesn’t take sides. He takes all sides.

Anyway, Anwar’s ‘masterplan’ was to ‘legitimise’ the RM90 million ‘donation’ (or bribe, as Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report said) that Najib Tun Razak was alleged to have given PAS and/or PAS leaders. Husam Musa said he personally saw the cheque for RM90 million (it was ONE cheque for RM90 million). But after Hadi sued Clare in a London court, Husam suddenly shut his mouth and refused to open it again.

Husam never thought it would come to this and that he may now have to go to court and testify regarding the cheque for RM90 million he claims he personally saw. How can he testify about something that never happened? There is no cheque for RM90 million and he never personally saw that cheque. So he would be lying in court after swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Husam told the MACC he did not see the RM90 million cheque after all and does not know if it does exist

So Husam is now out of the game and when the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) summoned him for his statement to be recorded, he confessed in a sworn statement that he never personally saw that cheque for RM90 million as he had earlier claimed.

Husam was supposed to be the most important component in this entire scheme of things or the prime witness. He is the only person in the entire world who had personally seen that RM90 million cheque. And now he tells the MACC he did not see that RM90 million cheque after all.

When the MACC pressed him further and asked Husam if he knows about the existence of that cheque or knows anyone else who may have seen that cheque or may have knowledge of that cheque, Husam replied he has no idea.
It was Ambiga and Clare who fabricated the RM90 million story and they quoted Husam as the source

That basically destroys the entire case. Sarawak Report ‘revealed’ the existence of that RM90 million cheque based on what Ambiga Sreenevasan told Clare Rewcastle Brown, and Amiga, in turn, got this information from Husam. But now Husam goes and tells the MACC that the story is merely a spin and not true one bit.

So that is the end of the RM90 million story — utterly demolished and blown up into smithereens.

But Anwar does not want that story buried. He needs to keep the perception that Umno ‘bought’ PAS for RM90 million alive. He needs to destroy the credibility of PAS and its leaders to make sure that the Umno-PAS cooperation will not happen. This is very crucial for the Semenyih by-election where an Umno-PAS alliance will spell doom for Pakatan Harapan (and for his planned vote of no confidence against Mahathir). Hence the alliance must not happen.

But how to make sure people believe the RM90 million story?

Anwar is desperate to break the Umno-PAS alliance because, amongst others, his vote of no confidence against Mahathir would not get the required majority

In early 2018, just before the May general election or GE14, Clare’s lawyer approached Hadi’s lawyer to discuss an out-of-court settlement (both lawyers are in London). This was revealed by one of Sarawak Report’s staff who Malaysia Today is still in contact with.

Hadi, however, refused to settle out of court, especially so close to GE14 because for sure this would be spun during the election campaign. Anyway, Hadi was sure of winning the court case since there is no way Clare can prove the existence of the RM90 million cheque. To ‘prove’ the RM90 million cheque exists, they need Husam to testify in court but then Husam had already told the MACC the cheque does not exist.

So, everything went quiet for about a year until early this year as the court hearing approached. Clare was now desperate and needed very badly for the case to be settled out of court because she was going to be destroyed in court.

Clare’s lawyer first approached Hadi’s lawyer in early 2018 to propose an out-of-court settlement, which Hadi rejected

Clare’s lawyer approached Hadi’s lawyer again to discuss the out-of-court settlement. The matter ding-donged back and forth between the two lawyers until an agreement was reached — that it would remain status quo (no further action and no costs from both sides). Both parties would just stand down and go home.

Mahathir, of course, wanted this out-of-court settlement and he told Clare there would be no more funding for the court case. So, Clare would need to cover the balance of the RM3 million legal fees herself if she wanted to take this case till the end. Then, if she loses, as she will, she will need to also pay Hadi another RM5 million or so.

Mahathir was told Hadi’s lawyer was going to subpoena Najib Tun Razak to testify in court since he is the ‘main player’ in this whole thing and the Malaysian Government may have to let him fly to London if the court order is issued.

Najib would have to go to London to testify as to whether he did or did not pay Hadi/PAS RM90 million

Anwar, on the other hand, did not care about Najib. He wanted to exploit this opportunity to ‘prove’ the RM90 million allegation. And he would prove it by arranging for Rameli to pay Clare RM1.4 million as out-of-court settlement ‘costs’.

If Hadi or PAS are innocent, then why did Hadi agree to Clare’s request to settle the suit out of court? If Hadi or PAS are innocent, then why did Hadi pay Clare RM1.4 million in an out-of-court settlement?

That is the perception Anwar was trying to create. The ‘proof’ that Najib paid Hadi and/or PAS RM90 million is the fact that they paid Clare RM1.4 million to settle the case out of court. If not, they would not have paid Clare RM1.4 million to settle the case out of court.

Anwar was hoping the RM1.4 million story can convince the two million PAS members/supporters that Najib ‘bought’ PAS for RM90 million

In short, the RM1.4 million which Rameli paid Clare is ‘proof’ that Najib paid Hadi and/or PAS leaders RM90 million. Simple logic. Surely the not-too-clever PAS members will believe this and will hence reject any cooperation between Umno and PAS?

But then Husam told the MACC that the RM90 million cheque does not exist and the MACC investigated the RM90 million allegation and found nothing. Then the MACC investigated the RM1.4 million that Rameli paid Clare and could not link it to Hadi or PAS as well.

According to the out-of-court settlement agreement signed between Hadi and Clare in London, there are no out-of-court settlement costs involved. But then Malaysian lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu claims the RM1.4 million is an out-of-court settlement payment. So, which is true?

Lawyer Americk declared the RM1.4 million as an out-of-court settlement and this may have implicated Clare in money-laundering activities

The MACC investigation has proven that the RM1.4 million payment is NOT an out of court settlement and that Hadi was NOT behind that payment. When pressed by the MACC, Rameli told them it was Anwar and not Hadi who asked him to pay Clare the RM1.4 million.

As we said in our opening paragraph, good ideas flop because of bad implementation. And in the RM1.4 million case, the same thing happened. It was actually a good idea but badly implemented. So, instead of killing PAS, Anwar ended up killing Clare Rewcastle Brown.

But in what manner did Anwar kill Clare? We will talk about that in another article because something is happening in the background and we do not want to compromise that by revealing the details too early.

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